21 May Inclusion: More than just a buzzword
Inclusion: An organizational behavior where all individuals feel valued; their diverse backgrounds are embraced and respected.
If you’re like a majority of Americans in the workforce, you’ve likely heard the term inclusion. It’s a simple enough concept, but the practice of inclusion is more complex than you might think. Let’s take a look at why inclusion is buzzing.
Why it’s buzzing: Employee satisfaction has become especially important as companies realize the benefits of worker fulfillment. Research indicates that engaged employees are more productive, profitable, safer, create stronger customer relationships, and stay longer with their company than less engaged employees. * In order to actively engage employees, organizations must truly emphasize diversity and take action when discrimination occurs in order to earn their employees’ trust. *
Why it’s here to stay:
The concept of inclusion isn’t simply a trend. As the American workforce continues to grow older, become more racially and ethnically diverse, and is composed of more women, the need to harness the potential of all members will continue to increase in importance. For example, by 2020 the American civilian workforce is predicted to be composed of 40 percent Hispanic, Asian, and African-American people. * It is of the upmost importance that all racial and ethnic groups feel at home at work. *
Who needs it:
Everyone! All businesses and non-profits can benefit from inclusion. Businesses need to entice, inspire, and retain a talented collection of workers in order to stay competitive in today’s economy. Non-profits who aren’t necessarily focused on competition can benefit by employing a talent pool that reflects the population they serve and feel valued.
Why it works:
Inclusion leads to “Inclusive Growth”: the concept that equitable opportunity for all members of a community to participate in growth will benefit every sector of society. It also works at a more personal level. The feeling of value and worth which can result may not be measurable but is worth the effort.
Make a lasting difference
Are you ready to change the way your company works? Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. We’d love to walk you through the entire process and help you grow.
Further Resources:
- “When Equal Opportunity Knocks” Business Journal http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/22378/When-Equal-Opportunity-Knocks.aspx
- “Monthly Labor Review- Employment Outlook: 2010-2020” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2012/01/mlr201201.pdf
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